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> Solar > Switch to Solar in Delaware and See Savings
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Switch to Solar in Delaware and See Savings

Delaware is aiming high when it comes to renewable energy! The state is dedicated to generating a quarter of their energy from renewable resources by 2025. When you go solar in Delaware, you help the planet and save money!

Go Green

Concerned about climate change? Switch to solar! When you make the switch to solar, you reduce your dependence on fossil fuels. Traditional power is generated by burning fossil fuels. This releases harmful carbon into the atmosphere. Provide your home with clean energy produced by the sun when you go solar!

Save Money

Electric bills are always rising! Put a stop to paying more by adding solar to your home! Pay fixed monthly payments instead of rising and unpredictable utility bills.

Net metering helps solar system owners save! Delaware has one of the strongest net metering policies. Any surplus energy a system produces gets applied the homeowner’s next bill as a credit at full retail price. If the homeowner still has excess credits at the end of a 12-month period, they can choose to have their utility company cut them a check at the full retail rate or continue rolling the credits.

State and Federal Incentives

Although the state of Delaware does not offer any tax credits or rebates, many of the state’s utility companies do. Delmarva Power’s Green Energy Program, the DEMEC green energy rebate, and the Delaware Electric Company’s green energy rebate allow Delaware solar system owners to maximize savings.

Delaware is aiming to have 25% of its power generated by renewable energy by 2025. As a result, the state has a Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SRECs) incentive program. SRECs allows homeowners to sell their clean energy certificates to their utility company as proof of renewable energy production. It’s another way that solar system owners can put money in their pockets!

Going solar is now more affordable than ever! To help homeowners make the switch, the federal government offers a 26% tax credit off of the total system cost.

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